Email marketing can be one of the most cost-effective and powerful digital marketing channels if done correctly. The key to a successful email marketing campaign is good data, and if you have a well-formatted, opt-in list of contacts then you’re already half-way there. If you don’t already have a mailing list then we can help you put one together by using best-practice methods of data collection.

We only support genuine opt-in mailing data, and we don’t provide ‘bought’ mailing lists for two reasons:

  1. They are usually illegal, as under UK law you must obtain direct consent for any email marketing activity that you carry out
  2. They are usually very poor quality, and can end up damaging your brand, which becomes associated with email ‘spam’.

Email marketing is highly trackable, allowing you to see how many people clicked through to your website, and when tied into Google Analytics you can also see how many of these resulted in an enquiry or sale. You can also track right down to the individual user, so you can see who clicked through to your website, and then follow up these sales leads with a phone call or subsequent email at a later stage.

We can design and build your newsletters and send them out on your behalf, or we can simply help you set them up so you can send them yourself going forward. With the highly customisable and easy-to-use interface provided by email platforms like MailChimp, you can take total control of your email marketing activity.

For any enquiries relating to email marketing please contact us and we will get back to you within one working day.